Rehearsal and Performance expectations. 

Rehearsal and Performance Expectations

Dear Parents and Students,

We are so excited to have the Third annual RMJH musical! This year, we are going to take on the incredible task of bringing Lion King Jr. to the stage. If you’re wondering what the Jr. means, we will be using the same script that the broadway musical used but it has been cut down by a little over a third to make it easier for young students with little musical experience to get a taste of what it is like to be in a real musical. All of the music is the same, just some of the “Fluff” from the original show has been cut.

In order to have the best experience this year the directors, Mrs. Bell, Ms. Kiekel- Strouts, and Ms. Scott have a few rules and expectations that will need to be met throughout rehearsals and the run of the show.


We want this to be a fun and exciting experience for your students as well as their peers. If students cannot follow the expectations they will receive one personal warning. On the second offense, the warning will be sent to the parents. If there is a third violation the student will be dismissed from the cast. Please note, that any behavior that results in out-of-school suspension or in-school suspension MAY result in dismissal from the cast. Any action that violates another student's privacy WILL result in immediate dismissal.