Audition Info.

Auditions are now closed for the 24-25 season. CONGRATULATIONS to the 3rd Line Of Legends!

Welcome to the family or welcome home. We can't wait to embark on this next season with you. We already have so much in store for the upcoming season.

If you are interested in being an ICHS Legend, join us for the audition interest meeting in February of 2025. More information will be posted HERE as we get closer to this date, so please mark your calendars! Below details commonly asked questions about the audition process.

 Commonly asked questions: 

Q: Do I have to come everyday of the audition clinic to audition for the dance team?

A: Yes! You must attend every audition clinic otherwise you will forfeit your opportunity to audition for the dance team. 

Q: When will we find out if we made the team?

A: The directors will let you know as early as that Friday of auditions and as late as the following Monday of auditions. 

Q: Are auditions opened?

A: Auditions are closed to the public. Only dancers auditioning for the Legends dance teams are allowed in the audition area throughout the process.

Q: When can we receive feedback after auditions?

A: The directors will distribute feedback upon request after Spring Break. Those desiring feedback must email the directors within 48 hours of the return back to school from the holiday break. The window to discuss feedback will only remain open for one week.

Q: What type of skills are performed on the Legends?

A: Pirouettes, Saute Arabesques, Switch Leaps, Calypso, Axel, Firebirds, Illusion, Jump splits, and much more. Begin practicing your skills!

Q: What should I wear for auditions?

A: All black attire, twylas or barefoot, hair pulled back, no jewelry, and a positive attitude!

Q: What is the common etiquette for auditions?

A: No gum, respond with "Yes or No ma'am", engage in eye contact, water only in the dance space, and don't ever give up! We value progression not perfection. 

Q: If I do not make the Legends Dance Team, what should I do to prepare for auditions the next season?

A: Join our Pioneer Dance Department (there are numerous dancers that have made the dance team after joining our dance classes) and get integrated into a local dance studio. We encourage technique, drill team prep, jazz and ballet classes.