
Hatred: This theme is found in the story because the real William Wilson hated his mimic because he would always stop him to completing his crimes, and this had been going on for a long time. It even got to the point where the real William assasinated the mimic.

Mystery: This theme is found in the story because the real William Wilson was confused about why he couldn't control the other William Wilson in the school he was in. Also one day the other William Wilson started imitating every movement and expression that he made.

What did we learn?

In this book we learnt how always when we make bad stuff or actions, or even horrible crimes, there will always be a good side to us. We also learnt how to develop and design website and we had a lot of fun doing it.

How can you compare the events in the story with what's happening nowadays?

A relationship we found was that William Wilson (real) would make bets and commit crimes, actions that keep on happening nowadays, but reduced in amount because of the Covid-19.