
This story starts with an unknown man, who chooses to be called William Wilson, because he said he had commited horrible crimes. He says he came from a family of men with strong imagination and violent temper. He tells that as a boy, he started to go to a very well payed school, in which he rapidly took control of all the other kids, forming a grid of control of everybody in the school. But there was one kid that always evaded his control, and secretly antagonized him, which was very weird for William, because he thought that everybody would notice how countered they were. The kid that antagonized him was also called William Wilson, and was born on the same date. One day, the protagonist noticed how this kid started imitating what he did, and even imitating his manners, but the only thing he couldn't imitate was his voice, which was very weak and soft, and which was used as a subject of annoyance from the protagonist to his enemy. Finally one day the real William abandoned his school, and his mimic weirdly also dissapeared that night.

William Wilson went to Eton, a very prestigious highschool, where he abuses alcohol for to forget his weird past in his old school. One day he is told there's someone waiting for him in the entrance, and he notices that the visitor is the same shape and height than him. The visitor whispered "William WIlson" in his ear, and left immediately. This left William thinking the man who visited him was the kid who antagonized him in his old school. After that he went to Oxford University, were he was about to win a lot of money by cheating in poker, but just at the last moment, the lights turned off, and a man in a cloak busted through the doors, told the people who were playing with the protagonist to check William Wilson's jacket, and immediately left. William's companions, seeing that, checked his jacket and found the cards he was using to cheat. But William recognized the soft voice of his old enemy, and set off to Paris. He went on comitting multiple crimes in different locations for a long time, but never completed his crimes, because his nemesis would always come in the last moment to warn the people with who he was with. One day William Wilson said enough and confronted his mimic. He stabed him with a sword, and right before dying, the mimic said "You have won, and I have lost. But, from now on you too are dead -dead to the World, to Heaven, and to Hope! You existed in me - and this body is your own. See how completely you have, through my death, murdered yourself".