
The themes that we think that are the most important are the friendship, the hope and the trust .

What we think we learned was about patience and perseverance, to read such a story. Furthermore, we learned about loyalty and how we should act and be responsible for our actions.

In the story we can see a few things that are related with nowadays like when you find something very special and you tell your friends or family about it but this could ever happen in any moment of humanity so it is more related with the values we are teached because The narrator could steal something but he didnt and that's a very important value we are teached in nowadays


The trust can de seen on the election of Legrand when iviting the Narrator to his house and tell him about of the gold bug and when he figure out where the treasure was


The hope is reflected in Legrand's character because he is hopefull about the idea of finding the treasure in the Island


We can see friendship in the loyalty and confidence demostrated by Jupiter and the Narrator when helping Legrand in his adventure