

The story begins with the narrator, legrand friend, telling us that he went to Legrand hut in a south carolina island, in where Legrand told him that he saw a strange bug that was kind of a gold made one, but he lent it to his neighbor to examine it. Then he draw the bug forthe narrator and he said it was like a skull and Legrand got annoyed and threw it to the fire but then he took it out and store it in a package and the narrator went back to his home.


A month later jupiter visited the Narrator and gave him a letter ffrom Legrand in which it said that he should go back to Legrand home because he was in a big buisness and wanted someone of confidence. In there Legrand shows him, The narrator, the gold-bug and the narrator examine it, then Legrand tells him that theyare going on a trip by the island and the narrator accept. When they got to their destination, a very big tree, Legrand asked to jupiter if he acould climb the tree for wich he awnsered yes and when he got to the main log legrand told him to get to the seventh brench and to tell him if he see something strange and Jupiter awneserd that he saw a skull so Legrand told him to throw the bug for the left eye but Jupiter missed and throw it by the right thinking it was the left and they dug for hours and didnt find nothing so Legrand asked Jupiter from wich eye he threw the bug and he pointed his right telling that it was the left eye so Legrand went back and started digging again and then they found a big wooden box with some bodies next to it, the treasure was valorated in1,5 million dollars!!


Then in the hut Explained how did he get out that the treasure was there:

first he saw the bug that he drew and saw the skull that Legrand told him and something more, a kind of txt and he translated it to english and it said some instructions about a devil's seat. After that legrand fond the devil's seat and he figure out that seating in the only comfortable way he could see something strange, like a human skull in the tree, so they go there and happened what we all know.

Alternative ending

When they find the treasure legrand, with his mental illness, take out a shovel and started to bury Jupiter and the narrator, but they climbed and catch him and take him to the the hospitel in wher they take him to a mental hospital. When all of this was happening the neighbors saw the hole and the treasure and keep it to them so they get the treasure while Legrand was taken to a mental hospital and he lost his treasure and also, his mind