Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

PBIS- A Process in the Alton School District

Using PBIS, faculty and parents monitor student responses to interventions (RTI) designed to improve behavior. The goal of the PBIS process is to create a positive school culture and environment by reducing incidents of negative behavior and providing maximum academic time for students and staff.

Universal Plans

The universal plans are developed to provide students, staff, parents, and other building visitors with clear behavioral expectations. The premise is based on the fact that they will act appropriately if they know what is expected.

Secondary Interventions

PBIS teams use data to target problem areas in their buildings. A focus of PBIS is to "work smarter not harder." Sometimes a very simple change can make a big difference in behavioral outcomes for students. Examples of secondary interventions include: Check in Check out (CICO), Social Academic Instructional groups (SAIG), Simple Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), and mentoring. The interventions are modified as needed to provide for improved student behavior.

Tertiary Interventions

Tertiary interventions are developed for students using criteria such as: 6 or more office discipline referrals, 20% or more absenteeism rate, academic failure, lack of responsiveness in secondary interventions after 4-5 weeks, mental health diagnoses that interfere with academic success, parent request, teacher request, as well as other critical barriers preventing an individual student's academic and behavioral success.