
Algebra 1 Information


1. You will receive credit for each assignment given. Daily work may be corrected and rechecked for a better grade. The penalty for this will be that you must come in and recheck the paper yourself. If this privilege is abused the policy will change to:

Papers to be handed in on the day after they are assigned, unless arrangements have been made in advance. If the papers are handed in one day late, they will receive one half of the points. Papers later than that will be given no credit.

Daily Work Points

5 - 0 or 1 wrong

4.5 - 2 or 3 wrong

4 - 4 or 5 wrong

3.5 - 6 or 7 wrong

3 - 8 or 9 wrong

2.5 - 10 or 11 wrong

2 - 12 or 13 wrong

1.5 - 14 or 15 wrong

1 - 16 or 17 wrong

.5 - 18 or 19 wrong

2. Your grade is approximately 40% daily work and 60% tests and quizzes.

3. My Grading Scale is:

100-95 - A

94-93 - A-

92-90 - B+

89-87 - B

86-85 - B-

84-81 - C+

80-76 - C

75-74- C-

73-71 - D+

70-68 - D

67-66 - D-

65 and below - F

4. When you come to class you must have your book, assignment, notebook, pen or pencil to do work, RED pen to check work (if it is not checked in red it will not count), and calculators when we start to use them (toward the end of the year).

5. You may have gum and bottled water in class for yourself - no sharing. If these things are not handled responsibly, they will not be permitted any longer (by anyone).

6. Calculators will be your responsibility to have. If we use them on a test they can’t be shared. Calculators on your phones will not be allowed on tests and shouldn’t be used in class either.

7. I know that math is hard for some of us, but it is your responsibility to come and get help. I am glad to make arrangements to help you, but you must be the one to ask for help.

8. Tests need to be taken in pencil.

Work Hard, Keep a Positive Attitude, and Ask for Help when you need it.

I’m looking forward to a great year.


Mrs. Peterson

Online Book Info


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3. username = 1st 2 letters of first name last name graduation year

EXAMPLE Josh Parks would be


4. Password = warrior18

5. Programs

6. Chapter 1

7. Lessons

8. Student eTests

9. Open in new window

10. On right and left sides there are grey columns with > or < arrows that you can scroll through the pages.

11. STUDENT RESOURSES – If you need to go through something again go to homework Video Tutors

12. On top there is a Glossary

13. Sign out when you are done.


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