Special Ed and 504 tips

Be kind to yourself, ask for help when you need it, and don't forget to breathe! 

You're not alone, and we will all get through this together.

What Do These Words Mean?

504 - One or more accommodations to help a student be successful within the regular education setting. ie. breaks and extended time.

BIP - Behavioral Intervention Plan - A strategy to replace an inappropriate behavior with another behavior more suited to social and student success.

Eligibility - Determination of a students needs for specialized instruction based off state perimeters.

FUBA - Functional Behavior Assessment - An assessment to determine the reason a behavior is exhibited.

IEP - Individual Education Plan - A set of goals and accommodations for specialized instruction created to help a student be more successful.

Standard Score - An average scoring system based on either grade or age peer averages.  85-115 is the average range.  84 and below is below the average range. 116 and above is above the average range.

Understanding the IEP


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if my child has a problem in school?

A great place to start would be to contact your child's teacher.  For more  complex problems it can be helpful to involve other school professionals such as a counselor, school psychologist, social worker, or administrator.  The team approach can be an effective way to come up with positive solutions for your child.

What is the difference between a school psychologist and a school counselor?

Both the counselor and school psychologist are certified by the state and hold advanced degrees.  

Both the school counselor and the school psychologist work with students, parents and school staff on behalf of the students. Both the school counselor and school psychologist are certified by the state department of education. The school counselor holds a master's, specialist or doctorate degree, and the school psychologist holds a specialist degree or doctorate degree. For both professions, continued certification requires ongoing professional development training.

Can a School Psychologist diagnose my child?  

No.  School psychologist and other school professionals cannot diagnose your child.  School psychologists, along with the rest of the school team can perform assessments and determine whether a child may be eligible for special education services under one of the thirteen categories of disability, but this does not constitute a diagnosis.

​What do I do if my child has had a private psychological evaluation?

Outside evaluations do not determine eligibility, but can contain information that is helpful to inform school teams.  The school teams (along with the parent) make all eligibility decisions.  Providing the report to the school team can help guide decisions and provide useful information for interventions and accommodations.

What is a 504 plan?

A 504 plan is a plan for a student with a disability.  The plan generally includes one or more accommodations to help a student be successful within the regular education setting such as extended time on assignments or tests, and breaks as needed.