Welcome to Online School!


If you have any questions for teachers or related servers and it is not your teacher's office hours, please submit this quick form and we will get back to you.

Parent Questions

Goal Reporting

Here's the link to download and print our general goal sheet. If you have any questions, submit a form on your teacher's site or talk to him/her during office hours.

Data Sheet

Here is the link to the online goal reporting form.

Online Goal Reporting

A sample form filled out can be found here:

Sample Goal Report Form

A video tutorial on how to fill out the form can be viewed.

Reporting Tutorial

Post 3/16/2020

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We have been instructed as teachers to have maintaining our students' IEP goals be our main focus during this time period. With that in mind, there are a few pieces of information that we will need from you:

1) How would you like to receive the IEP materials? We can email you a copy of the goals and data tracking sheets, as well as a list of the materials that will be needed to run the goals. If you do not have access to any of the materials, or if you would prefer to use ones supplied by the school, we can arrange for you to come and pick them up from the school by appointment. We can also have hard copies of the IEP’s and tracking sheets printed for you at your request. Video or written instructions of how to run the IEP goals will also be provided.

2) When is the best time during the day to check in with you? We are wanting to check in with you daily to see how things are going, and to check on progress. We are wanting to do this at a time that is convenient for you. Please let us know.

3) Please also let us know what is the best way to contact you. Would you prefer by email, phone call, or some other means?

Thank you for your help and understanding during these unusual circumstances. Please let me know what your questions are, and how best to help you. We are fully committed to your child's furthering of their education, and to supporting you during this time of need.

3/18/2020 A message from APE

Hello Parents and Guardians,

As a department, we have had time to put together a Google Site to give students access to Adapted Physical Education (APE) resources. We will be in contact soon via phone and/or email, but we want to reassure you that we are going to be here to help ensure gross motor progress to the best of our ability. We are working remotely, so we are available at your convenience, and will be checking in regularly to troubleshoot any issues you may be having with the implementation of PE/APE in the home setting. In addition to this website, we will be checking in on specific IEP goals, and ask that you fill out a short "exit slip" for our IEP documentation records.

The implementation of APE will be very simple - we are asking for 5-10 minutes a day of working on specific goals (such as throwing, performing a few exercises from our website, balancing on one foot, etc...). We have sequential progressions, suggested activities, and many other resources on the website. As stated earlier, we will be checking in periodically to help with any issues you may have.

To report back using the "exit slip", click on the "Adapted PE Teacher Contact Info" picture/link on the "Home" page, find the school your child attends, and click the "Weekly At-Home Tracker" link to be sent directly to a Google Form. This Google Form will help us keep documentation (for IEP purposes) and is another way for us to continue to give support to you.

Please reach out if you have any questions/comments/concerns.

Thank you, and stay safe!