FREE eBook & Audiobook Resources

These resources are free to everyone in our school right now. See the login information as needed. Please keep this information within Riverview families. Thanks!  

For questions, email Mrs. Wilson:

Access code: AlpineUT 

Username: (student's ID #, found in skyward - starts with a 9)

Password: (student's last name)

Email Mrs. Wilson for the current username and password for our school district.

Email Mrs. Wilson to be added to her library class on Epic!, then you'll need the class code to login: cyk7323. 

You may also check with your classroom teacher to see if they have an Epic! account.

Students may access Epic! for free between the hours of 7:00-4:00 at school or at home everyday, and for up to 2 hours per week at other times of the day at home.

 A collection of eBooks with audio capability for emerging readers.