Bobcat Book Club 2023-2024

** Some books might be more mature for your child. However, read the book together and talk about what is going on and it will be a great experience for both of you! **


Picture Books

This Way, Charlie -  Caron Levis

Escargot - Dashka Slater

Out of a Jar - Deborah Marcero

Fiction Books

A Dog's Porpoise - W. Bruce Cameron (8 hr chapter read aloud)

Appleblossom the Possum - Holly Sloan 

Scary Stories from Young Foxes- Christian McKay Heidicker

Odder - Katherine Applegate

Non-Fiction Books

Beauty and the Beak-  Deborah Lee Rose

Owen & Mzee - Craig Hatkoff

Lost and Found Cat - Doug Kuntz and Amy Shrodes