
Homework: Please make sure your child reads everyday. They should be reading 30 minutes each day. They should also do 15-20 minutes of lexia and iReady every day that you have a change for them to do it. 

Here is a link to a page for helping with homework or what we are working on in class. 

Important Dates

May 1- PTA Froyo Spirit Night

May 3- PTA birthday table during lunch

May 6-10- Teacher Appreciation Week

May 10- Dance Festival- see times below

May 22- field day

May 24- Last Day of School and it is a minimal day

May Days Schedule

May 6- Disney Day

May 7- Chocolate Day

May 8- walking/running day

May 9- virtual talent show- I need all videos by May 6th

May 13- Ice Cream Party

May 14- popcorn day

May 15- water day

May 16- Art day

May 17- board/card game day

May 20- Market Day

May 21- bubblegum day

May 22- Field Day

May 23- read-a-thon day

Dance Festival: There will be two different times for the dance festival. Please follow the alphabetical split as much as possible.

Families whose last names start with A-K and AM kindergarten:  

9:25-9:30 AM Kdg

9:30-9:35 6th Grade 

9:35-9:40 4th Grade

9:40-9:45 3rd Grade

9:45-9:50 Teacher Dance

9:50-9:56 2nd Grade

9:56-10:01 5th Grade

10:01-10:07 1st Grade

Families whose last names start with L-Z and PM kindergarten:

12:30-12:35 PM Kdg.

12:35-12:40 6th grade

12:40-12:45 4th grade

12:45-12:50 3rd grade

12:50-12:55 Teacher Dance  

12:55-1:01 2nd grade

1:01-1:06 5th grade

1:06-1:12 1st Grade

Learning This Week

Reading: main idea and key details, ask and answer questions

Vocabulary: review vocabulary and how to define unknown words. 

Writing: informational and opinion paragraphs

Phonics: lesson 29, multisyllable words with vowel r, latin roots, affixes, reviewing all things learned this year 

Math: liquid volume

Science: force and motion

Social Studies: Community, Citizenship, respect, responsibility

May Days Calendar & Notes 2024.pdf

Sholastic Order Information

Several times this year I will be sending home a Scholastic Book Order.  This is a great, inexpensive way to start a home reading library.  If you would like to place an order, please do so online.  When you order books from scholastics it gives the class points towards getting more books for the classroom library. You can go onto the website any time you would like. Even if I have not send a flyer home. 

To order online you will have to create your own free personal account.


Class code: QCBWG