Growth Mindset

The Power of "Yet"

Dear Parents,

I am committed to developing a growth mindset learning environment- a place where all students believe that with effort and perseverance, they can succeed. This year your child will have the opportunity to learn more about mindset through lessons I teach in the classroom. Dr. Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University, has identified two beliefs systems about intelligence:

A ​fixed mindset ​is one where we believe that our children’s innate abilities, talents, and intelligence are fixed. They are either good or talented at something or they are not. They can certainly learn new things, but this particular skill or subject is not really their “thing”.

A growth mindset​ is the belief that intelligence, skills, and talent are malleable, and they can change with effort, perseverance, and practice. Neuroscience explains this as neuroplasticity. We can all get “smarter.”

Each day students will be asked to take educational risks. They will be praised not for their mental quickness or natural intelligence but for approaching the process of learning with determination. I know that to make the greatest impact children need to hear consistent messages at home. Here are some things you can do to extend and promote growth mindset in your home:

  • Encourage your child to take risks and tackle new challenges at school. When your child says, “I can’t do that” encourage them to change it to “I can’t do that...YET

  • Praise your child not for the ease with which he or she learns a concept, but for the amount of effort put into learning it.

  • Emphasize perseverance and effort in extracurricular activities. For example, “I’m proud of how much effort you put into that soccer game” instead of “I’m proud of how many points you scored in that soccer game.”

I hope you will commit to joining me in this growth mindset journey!

Wendy Parker, School Counselor