Mrs. McCoy's

6th Grade Class

"Develop a passion for learning.. If you do, you will never cease to grow."

- Anthony J. D'Angelo

Join Our Class Remind

Remind is the fastest way to get in contact with me (it's basically like texting me), I also send out most of my calendar reminders through Remind. Please, PLEASE, PLEASE sign up for it. Click on this link to get started.


If students have concerns (academic, social, emotional, etc.), I encourage and welcome them to come and talk to me! I find we can resolve most things together if THEY are willing to share their concerns.


If students desire to bring treats for their birthday, we will celebrate during snack time around 10:20. Please have them here by then (or send them with your student to school).

All birthday treats must be store bought. Sadly, due to district policy we cannot pass out homemade treats.