Alpine School District

New Teacher Tech Information

Welcome to Alpine School District! We are so excited to have you as an educator in Alpine School District. The purpose of this website is to provide important technology-related information for new teachers. If you are a classified employee, please contact your principal and building on-site tech for specific information for your needs. To use the website, click on the links below to learn about the different areas of technology and how you can receive support for any tech needs.

In the Alpine School District there are several levels of tech support for your specific needs:

  • On-site Techs can help you with device setup and support, network connectivity issues, and account information

  • Innovative Learning Coaches can help you with the instructional uses of our District Supported Solutions and specific training needs.

  • Our Help Desk (801-610-8002) can guide you toward all other resources.

  • If you have any questions whatsoever about technology and/or support in Alpine, you are also always able to reach out directly to our Administrator of Technology by emailing

Please visit the Human Resources website for information and any questions concerning HR, payroll, or the hiring process.

Thank you for all you will do for our students and welcome to Alpine!