The 6C's of Education

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to think, decide and draw conclusions for yourself. We are constantly bombarded with different opinions and information that our brains work to filter. A critical thinker is always a student - willing to learn, be open-minded and consider all possibilities.  We should never be afraid to ask questions!

The focus for this school year:

-Generating New Ideas

-Use multiple Solutions and Strategy

-Reflect on learning and feedback


A citizen is a member of the community and country. We all have a role to play when is comes to demonstrating good citizenship. A strong community that is united cultivates a better quality of life for everyone. A few ways we can all be better citizens is by recycling, avoid littering, supporting local businesses, obeying the law, and donating to local charities. How can you demonstrate good citizenship?


Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. Collaboration always us to know more than we are capable of by knowing ourselves. Collaboration is coming together with our various strengths and gifts and solving a common problem.


Building good character is essential to fostering a strong sense of self.  We can implement various admirable traits and qualities that help shape and define us as individuals. We should always strive for personal growth and improvement - continually seeking ways to become the best versions of ourselves.


We live in a time of information overload.  The key to navigating such an information saturated world is developing our communication skills. Effective communication involves skills such as listening and being mindful in our daily interactions with others. There are many forms of communication, it's up to each of us to harness that power and use it effectively.


There are aspects of creativity in just about every part of life! Creativity is not only how we express ourselves, but also a way to develop and discover new skills and talents. Allowing ourselves to explore, use our imaginations, and daydream helps us be able to find new perspectives and perhaps think about something in a new and different way. Creativity allows us to think outside the box!