I Can Statements


I can use the computer learn to read

I can navigate on the computer using icons

I can find the letters on the keyboard

I can login using the K-2 login and password

I can logout the computer

I can use a mouse and arrow keys

First Grade

I can use the computer to practice reading and math

I can find the letters on the keyboard including home row

I can login using the K-2 login and password

I can logout the computer

I can create words on the computer

I can begin simple coding

Second Grade

I can use the computer to practice reading and math skills

I can type simple sentences on the computer.

I can understand what the internet is.

I can use the font tools to change the font and size.

I can continue coding

Third Grade

I can login with my individual login and password.

I can type using home row keys

I can use correct technique when I type.

I can login to Google Drive

I can type a short story/letter/poem

I can make a simple presentation with pictures.

I can code and debug problems.

Fourth Grade

I can continue to improve my keyboarding skills by using correct technique and homerow and practicing.

Goal: 20 wpm

I can write stories, poems and letters that 1 page long.

I can use formatting tools to edit my writing.

I can be safe on the internet.

I can do basic internet searches for information.

I can code and create my own programs

Fifth Grade

I can improve my keyboard speed and accuracy with practice and by using correct technique.

Goal: 25 WPM

I can type stories, poems, and letters that are longer in length.

I can research a topic for writing.

I can make presentations using transitions and builds.

I can use google drive to publish work.

I can continue to be safe on the internet.

I can code and write my own programs.

6th Grade

I can improve my keyboard speed and accuracy with practice and by using correct technique.

Goal: 30 WPM

I can work collaboratively on the computer for writing projects.

I can format and edit my writing.

I can be good digital citizen.

I can publish presentations and essays using the computer.

I can learn basic computer programming skills.

I can code and write my own programs.