3D Assessment Resources

Check out the video below where Dr. Helen Quinn discusses 3D instruction and the role of performance assessment.

Steps to Designing a Three Dimensional Assessment (From Research + Practice Collaboratory)

Step 1: Define what you will assess and craft learning claims.

Step 2: Brainstorm possible scenarios for eliciting student understanding.

Step 3: Use task formats to build questions to engage students with the scenario.

Step 4: Imagine the range of possible student responses to the questions.

Step 5: Share, review, and revise.

For more information click here.

Prompts for Integrating Crosscutting Concepts Into Assessment and Instruction

Integrating Science Practices Into Assessment Tasks

Additional Resources for 3D Assessment

NGSS Assessment Portal (from The Concord Consortium)

SNAP (Stanford NGSS Assessment Project)

Performance Assessment Resource Bank

SCALE (Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity) Resources

SCALE Scientific Practices Rubric

SCALE Scientific Literacy Rubric (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning)