Mrs. Acker's

2nd grade Kiddos

Mrs. Acker's Daily Video

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email, text, or call me!

Mrs. Acker:

Phone: 801-694-5048

I will also still use Remind if that is the easiest way for you to contact me!


NEW 2nd Grade WEBSITE!

THIS WEEK we are going to be switching to a Second Grade website. If you click the picture to the side, you will be able to see our new website! You are more than welcome to come look at this website each week if you are behind, but I will no longer be posting new material here. There will be links to our zoom, and other activities on the new website!

Past Weeks

These are lessons we should have already completed, but are here if you need to finish something!

April 27th - May 1st

Week #7 Lessons

May 4th - May 8th