Animal Reports

Animal Report Lessons

Lesson #1

Please go double check this document! Make sure your name and animal is correct.

Lesson #2

Click the picture above to watch Mrs. Acker show you how to explore and find facts about animals!

Lesson #3

Watch the video to learn about filling out your 'Fact Tracker.'

All you will do today is watch the video, and print your fact tracker. If you don't have a printer, just create your own fact tracker on paper.

Lesson #4

Filling out Fact Tracker

Today you are filling out your 'Fact Tracker' on your own. Remember you are using paper and pencil. If you need to rewatch the video from yesterday, click the picture above.

Fact Tracker

Click the image above to print or view the Fact Tracker.

Lesson #5

Animal Report Checklist

Please fill out this checklist as soon as you have completed your fact tracker!

Lesson #6: Title Page

Complete Title Page on Adobe Spark. Click image above to watch a video on how to do this!

  1. Login to Adobe Spark using your school email and password.

  2. Click the 'Slideshow' button.

  3. Name Your Report: _____'s Animal Report. (Example: Mrs. Acker's Animal Report)

  4. Find the 'Layout' button (top right), and make sure you click the layout to be Title and Text.

  5. For the Title, type the name of your Animal, and for the Text, type your name.

  6. You may change the 'Theme' of your report. You do this by clicking the theme button on the top right as well.

  7. For your title page you can keep it blank in the background, or insert a picture of your animal in the background.

  8. To insert an image of your animal, click the +sign on your slide, and click add image. Then on the side, click 'search for free images.'

  9. Type the name of your animal, and pick a picture that you like!

*Parents, please be sure they are typing the name of their animal in correctly when searching for images.

<--- Here is an example of Mrs. Acker's Title Page

Please watch the picture above to learn the next step on animal reports!

Lesson #7: What do they look like?

  1. Login to Adobe Spark.

  2. Find your animal report you started yesterday, and click the picture to edit project.

  3. When you are in your project, click the + sign to add a new 'slide.'

  4. When you have a new slide, make sure it is behind your title page slide (it should automatically go there).

  5. Change the Layout to be 'Split Screen.'

  6. On the color side, type "What does it Look Like?

  7. On the white side, add a picture of your animal. Make sure to search for free pictures.

  8. Once your slide is complete, you will need your Fact Tracker.

  9. Record yourself reading the notes you have written on your Fact Tracker. Remember you are reading the notes you have written under "What does it look like?"

  10. If you would like to go ahead and complete other slides, you may!

Please watch the picture above to learn the next step on animal reports!

Lesson #8: Where do they live?

  1. Login to Adobe Spark.

  2. Find your animal report you started yesterday, and click the picture to edit project.

  3. When you are in your project, click the + sign to add a new 'slide.'

  4. When you have a new slide, make sure it is behind your title page slide (it should automatically go there).

  5. Change the Layout to be 'Split Screen.'

  6. On the color side, type "Where do they live?"

  7. On the white side, add a picture of your animal. Make sure to search for free pictures.

  8. Once your slide is complete, you will need your Fact Tracker.

  9. Record yourself reading the notes you have written on your Fact Tracker. Remember you are reading the notes you have written under "Where does your animal live?"

  10. If you would like to go ahead and complete other slides, you may!

The video is a repeat from last week. Adobe was not working for me last night to create a new slide. Today you are going to make a new slide for "What does your animal Eat?"

Lesson #9: What do they eat?

  1. Login to Adobe Spark.

  2. Find your animal report you started yesterday, and click the picture to edit project.

  3. When you are in your project, click the + sign to add a new 'slide.'

  4. When you have a new slide, make sure it is behind your title page slide (it should automatically go there).

  5. Change the Layout to be 'Split Screen.'

  6. On the color side, type "What do they eat?"

  7. On the white side, add a picture of your animal. Make sure to search for free pictures.

  8. Once your slide is complete, you will need your Fact Tracker.

  9. Record yourself reading the notes you have written on your Fact Tracker. Remember you are reading the notes you have written under "What do they eat?"

  10. If you would like to go ahead and complete other slides, you may!

Today you should be completing your animal report and sharing it with me!

Lesson #10: Other Interesting Facts & Sharing your Report with Mrs. Acker

  1. Login to Adobe Spark.

  2. Find your animal report you started yesterday, and click the picture to edit project.

  3. When you are in your project, click the + sign to add a new 'slide.'

  4. When you have a new slide, make sure it is behind your title page slide (it should automatically go there).

  5. Change the Layout to be 'Split Screen.'

  6. On the color side, type "Other interesting Facts?"

  7. On the white side, add a picture of your animal. Make sure to search for free pictures.

  8. Once your slide is complete, you will need your Fact Tracker.

  9. Record yourself reading the notes you have written on your Fact Tracker. Remember you are reading the notes you have written under "Other interesting Facts?"

  10. **Please make sure you recorded your voice for each slide. I forgot to tell you to record your voice on the first slide.

Sharing your report steps (Make sure to watch the video above!)

Click the 'Share' box, and then click 'invite.'

Type my email in the box to share it with me.

Animal Report Sources

World Book

This website has a lot of fun information for kids to explore!

username: alpinedistrict password: student

Click the KIDS with the Balloon :)

National Geo Kids

Read articles, watch fun videos, and learn about all the incredible things in the world!


This is also a great resource with fun information for your reports!

Epic Code: wjq5604