Video Lessons

Video Schools


Videos made by a teacher. He started this to help a student who was sick and was missing a lot of school:

Khan Academy

Full units and individual lessons that include videos, practice exercises and quizzes with feedback.

Click on courses to see a list of all the courses available. Remember - the grades are for elementary and high school in the United States. Canadian grades and adult education levels are different. Choose the lessons that are most relevant to you - do not worry what the grade level is called. Some of the lessons for elementary school grades may not work well for adult learners and the examples may not be relevant to adults.

Math Mammoth Videos (US)

These free math videos span topics for elementary and middle school, showing varied exercises for each topic. They are recorded in high-density (HD) and are viewable both here as well as at a Youtube channel. They match the Math Mammoth books but you can watch them without having the books (in other words, the videos do not rely on you having a book).

These videos are usable for students, teachers, and parents. You can use them...

  • To learn these topics yourself (if you're a student for example, or an adult needing a refresher)

  • As lesson plans for teaching these topics. Often, one video from below can be made into several lessons with students.

Citizen Maths

Citizen Maths is for people who want to improve their grasp of maths, and become more confident in using maths at work and in life. Maths may have passed you by at school. Or you may be rusty. Maybe you’ve passed maths exams but find it hard to apply what you know to the types of problem you need to solve now. Problems like using spreadsheets, judging amounts or assessing odds.

UPDATE: CitizenMaths seems to be gone now but the YouTube Playlist is still here: