The reason for case notes at AlphaPlus

To figure out how to transform personal notes into a resource for all staff, we began by articulating our reasons for keeping records of our coaching interactions with LBS program workers. This helped us clarify the potential value of shared case notes.

We concluded that we would use case notes to:

    • Strengthen our practice as coaches.
    • Better understand the factors that have an effect on program staff engagement with the coaching process.
    • Inform conversations at the beginning of a coaching collaboration around time, challenges, effective strategies, etc.
    • Equip us with broader and deeper knowledge about the people we work with in the field so we can implement adult learning principles and model an educator-as-continuous-learner approach to professional development as we collaborate with programs.
    • Equip us with broader and deeper knowledge about effective practices so we can offer evidence-based advice to program workers about:
      • what programs are learning about technology planning and how to implement changes – the things that are scalable and can be replicated.
      • promising digital technology practices that enhance teaching, learning and program coordination and development.
    • Identify ways that the programs we work with might collaborate and learn together.