We’ve partnered with two organizations that are focusing on food distribution, free COVID-19 testing, and supporting vaccination efforts. Below you’ll find more information on each of our partners, along with videos about their work and links to their websites.

Take a look at slides 13-16 of the practical guide to learn more about COVID-19 preventative measures at the worksites with our partners.

Los Angeles Food Bank has seen a 73% increase in food distribution since March 2020. The service utilizes nearly 200 volunteers throughout the LA County area every week who help serve close to 55,000 meals. They have multiple programs that cater to families, students, veterans, and older age community members in need. Our volunteers will help at their warehouse locations, contributing to packaging boxed meals for their distribution services and supporting their drive-through distribution sites.

Learn more about the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank by watching this educational video or visiting their website.

CORE Community Organized Relief Effort is providing free testing to Los Angeles County. CORE was founded by Sean Penn in 2010 after an earthquake devastated the island of Haiti. They’ve since expanded their disaster response efforts throughout the Caribbean and U.S. as well as become one of the leading free COVID-19 test providers throughout the U.S. As of August 2020, they’ve provided more than one million tests throughout the U.S. CORE is able to test nearly 15,000 people per week with the help of 300 volunteers a day throughout their seven LA County test sites. Our volunteers will assist with the logistics around COVID testing and vaccine distribution through a variety of tasks, including traffic control and demonstration of test procedures, at two of CORE's largest testing and vaccine sites.

Learn more about CORE by watching this video of Sean Penn sharing information on how they were able to start operating free testing sites as well as by visiting their website.


The daily schedule varies depending on whether volunteers are working at CORE sites or the LA Food Bank for the week. The work day typically starts on site at 7 am for CORE and at 8 am at the Food Bank, and a more specific daily schedule for each site can be found below. After you return home from the worksite, you’ll have a chance to unwind, relax and reflect on your day.