Citation Help

Citation Generators

Google Docs Citation Tool.webm

The Google Docs Citations Tool is easy to use and accurate. It provides citations (both in-text and end-of-text) in MLA, APA, and Chicago formatting styles.

NoodleTools is an online research management platform that promotes critical thinking and authentic research. Students stay organized as they evaluate information, build accurate citations, archive source material, take notes, outline topics, and prepare to write.

What can I do with NoodleTools?

  • Citing Sources: Recognize and evaluate relevant, credible sources. Generate accurate MLA, APA, and Chicago references with personal help from experts.

  • Taking Notes, Organizing and Outlining: Make connections, develop original ideas and articulate arguments. Use our intuitive, visual “tabletop” to manipulate, tag and pile notecards, then connect them to topics in your outline to prepare for writing.

  • Collaborating with Peers: Work simultaneously from different locations and view each other’s changes in real-time.

  • Sharing with teachers: Assign work, monitor students’ progress in real-time and provide feedback directly at the point of need.

You will need to Register first. You can find the instructions HERE.

This citation generator is for MLA, APA, Chicago, and other citation styles. You can download your reference list and it has a Google extension.
This MLA citation generator is easy to use and has a Google extension. It also will check your grammar for free. Other formats and plagiarism checking requires an account.

Citation Quick Guides