ALLen Reads

Community Program

ALLen Reads is a one-book program under the leadership of the Friends of the Allen Public Library. It is unique in one-book programs in that related books are chosen as “companions” to the main book to promote families and all generations reading and talking together.

For all ages: Three Cheers for Kid McGear! by Sherri Duskey Rinker

September & October - Try the Storywalk for this book at the Allen Public Library:

She might be small, but she's got it all—she's Kid McGear, Skid Steer! Kid McGear is the newest truck to join the Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site crew and she's eager to help with even the roughest and toughest construction work. But when a steep cliff puts the other trucks in danger, can the new Kid on the site prove she's big enough for even this big, big job?

For grades 5-8: Ahmed Aziz's Epic Year by Nina Hamza

Ahmed Aziz is having an epic year—epically bad.

After his dad gets sick, the family moves from Hawaii to Minnesota for his dad’s treatment. Even though his dad grew up there, Ahmed can’t imagine a worse place to live. He’s one of the only brown kids in his school. And as a proud slacker, Ahmed doesn’t want to deal with expectations from his new teachers.

Ahmed surprises himself by actually reading the assigned books for his English class: Holes, Bridge to Terabithia, and From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. Shockingly, he doesn’t hate them. Ahmed also starts learning about his uncle, who died before Ahmed was born.

Getting bits and pieces of his family’s history might be the one upside of the move, even as his dad’s health hangs in the balance and the school bully refuses to leave him alone. Will Ahmed ever warm to Minnesota?

For adults: The Long Haul: A Trucker's Tales of Life on the Road by Finn Murphy

October 13th - Hear trucker and author Finn Murphy speak about his book "The Long Haul: A Trucker's Tale of Life on the Road" and his experiences moving household goods across the country for 30 years. Click the link for more information:

More than thirty years ago, Finn Murphy dropped out of college to become a long-haul trucker. Since then he’s covered more than a million miles as a mover, packing, loading, hauling people’s belongings all over America. In The Long Haul, Murphy recounts with wit, candor, and charm the America he has seen change over the decades and the poignant, funny, and often haunting stories of the people he encounters on the job.