May Term 2019

Students will experience twelve days of in-depth, hands-on learning from May 21st through June 7th. May Term covers a range of topics and allows students to work in mixed-age groups on projects that impact the larger community creating an enriching experience that delves deeply beyond the traditional curriculum and routine. Students will be placed in 1-2 teacher-led sessions and 2 student-led workshops based on the areas of interest indicated on their registration while keeping their developmental needs in mind.

May Term at Allendale Columbia School exists to provide educational opportunities outside the normal structure of the school year to support intellectual discovery, encourage collaboration, and foster community involvement. Embodying Allendale Columbia’s core values, May Term provides authentic learning experiences through both faculty-led sessions and student-led workshops.

When students register for May Term this spring, please note that they will indicate interest, rather than making selections.

We cannot guarantee that all students will be placed in the courses that they are most interested in, however, we will place them in courses that they have indicated interest.

When possible, courses will be mixed age, and changes will not be made unless medically or logistically necessary.

We are May Term 2019 and welcome any questions.


Below is a timeline that outlines important events during the May Term process:

Mid April: Student registration will begin.

Early May: Students will be notified of their course selections and schedule.

May Term Session A: May 20th - May 29th

May Term Session B: May 30th - June 6th

Exhibition Night: June 6th 6:00-7:30pm