Soil to Plate

ES 230: Soil to Plate, Spring 2019

Allegheny College

Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 am-12:15 pm, Carr Hall 238

Lab: Wednesday 1:30-4:20 pm, Carr Hall 220

Instructors and Office Hours:

Beth Choate--Carr Hall 208,

Office Hours: Monday 10:00-12:00, Wednesday 10:30-12:30, Thursday 2:00-4:00, or by appointment. Sign up on line here.

Eric Pallant--Carr Hall 211,

Office Hours: Tuesday, 1:30 - 4:00, Friday 1:30- 4:00, or by appointment. Sign up on line here.

  • Soil to Plate is a critical interdisciplinary survey of food production around the world. We will discuss all aspects of agriculture and food systems: soil management and crop production; insect and pest management; energy and water requirements; food processing and preparation; food distribution and food justice; food politics and economics; culture, cooking, diet and health. You will learn to critically evaluate what you eat and what others eat, how and where your food is grown, and the pros and cons of conventional, organic, sustainable and local food production. The goal of this course is to help you develop more nuanced and informed ideas of the complexities involved in producing sufficient high quality food for a global population of more than seven billion people. In the process, the course seeks to help build critical thinking skills and empower you to be active and effective participants in environmental problem solving.
  • Wild Fermentation by Sandor Felix Katz. 2001. (optional)
  • Readings listed online--NOTE these are subject to be updated. Please check the website frequently!

Classroom Expectations

We are sorry to have to add these rules to the class syllabus, but alas, please follow them.

  • No open computers in class unless they are needed for class assignments.
  • No visible phones during class. Period.
  • The classroom door will be locked at 11:01. Be on time.
  • Only two departures for the bathroom per semester. *

*(Of course, if there are medical or learning needs for exceptions to any of the previous bullets, please let us know.)

Laboratory Expectations

All laboratory sessions are mandatory for successful completion of the course. It is advised that you purchase a notebook specifically for taking notes during the designated lab period, whether conducting an experiment or on a field trip. Weather conditions may not always be ideal for outdoor excursions; however, you are expected to be prepared. You are responsible for bringing cold weather gear, rain gear and/or appropriate footwear for each lab period. Please contact us if you have questions prior to a field trip.

Course Rubric

GRADING (subject to minor modifications during semester):

  • Participation 50
  • Field trip write-ups and lab reports (10 at 20 points each) 200
  • Grocery Shopping--Homemade vs. Processed Assignment 20
  • Crop fertilization paper 100
  • Pest poster presentations 50
  • Standards for organic 50
  • FINAL project: What's the best thing to eat? 100


The honor code is strictly enforced in this class and can be reviewed here: If you have questions regarding honor code policies, please see us. Anyone suspected of plagiarism, the most common form of academic dishonesty, will be reported to the Honor Code Committee. A clear statement of what constitutes plagiarism is provided here: