

By : Mariam Moh.

May 22, 2018 Mariam Mohammed was writing about a big school that have no enough water because of the water.

in a big school, The students was so hot and they finished thier bottles and it was 45 c. All the school want to drink alot of water but there was no enough water for all the school.May 22, 2018

The students arrived home at 11:00 pm the school decided to start to do the machine called icing water.This machine don't let the water be finished quickly and it let the water be cold all of the time.

The sun was so shiny there was thin clouds.There was no thing to protect them from the sun, even in the class the window is getting the sun light in there eyes.The teachers was thinking in about 5 hours to see how will they fix this problem .

The school made the machine ad they shared photos of it and the other schools wanted to make like this machine and they made . like this the people agreed about Mariam Mohamad' s report and it was helpful for the people.

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1-the goods are the most thing

2-the shelter is the lest thing

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