[You can't live with out the water ] .

By : Habiba

Water is a name of a life .

Because you can't live with out it . A drop of water can do lots of things .

we all know that we drink from the river so it's so important to keep the river clean . So you can drink clean water, use clean water.

some people dont have water so they travel . Some times if you dig and dig then pres you can find some water.

Did you know that the water is the secret of the life , like for example did you now that the one Litre has 18 second so you say how much of water do you wast .

You need the water in any where like when you train , going to school , in home , after lunch , before you sleep , when you take a shower and brushing your teeth . So like this you need the water any where and every where .

water is the secret of life

Let's Know more about our environment:

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