The promising flying car

By : Omar Mohamed

In 30 may 2020 Jem saw a strange shadow on the floor of the garden for a flying car.

The story started while Jem was looking after his garden, watering the plants, when he heard a loud voice and saw a big shadow striking in the sky where he found a big flying car, he was not surprised because he believed in flying cars.

“Unbelievable,” jem`s wife said ,but his friend Jack believed in flying cars so, he believed Jem.

Jem said that In 1917 Glenn curtiss, who could be called the father of the flying car unveiled the first attempt at such a vehicle And Jack said that The airphibian was the first flying car to be certified by the civil aeronautics administration, the predecessor of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),Flying cars will be a great part of the promising future.

cars in the future

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