
Unexpected Deadly Train Fire

By : Mohammed T.

On the 20th of February 2002, two a.m a horrible accident occurred in a train heading from Cairo to Luxur. This accident, which is the cause of the death of 383 Egyptian citizens, was the result of a fire in the last cabinet of this train.

"I had to separate the cabinets and continue the journey to prevent any further damage and harm." Said the train driver during an interview.

Victims of a deadly fire causing the death of many Egyptian citizens.

It was the train number 832 heading from Cairo to Luxur, when suddenly there was smoke coming out of the last cabinet that no one knew the reason behind. After a few minutes the sudden smoke turned into a totally unexpected fire, but the fire did not stop there, it kept going through the cabinets till the last few cabinets were on fire. Unfortunately all the train cabinets on this specific day were full of passengers going on a small holiday to celebrate Eid. The moment there was fire everywhere all people were thinking about is how to save their souls, some froze not knowing what do, some already lost their lives and some broke the windows jumping hoping they will survive. However it was not the smartest move but it was the only one they can do. Some of the people that jumped survived with severe mental cases while others drowned in a nearby pond. On the other side of the train, the train driver decided to separate the first seven cabinets from the cabinets that were on fire to prevent any other cabinets from being on fire. After the victims were transported to a hospital a professional doctor reassured that the smoke at the beginning of the accident was caused by gas escaping an oven.

This accident has affected many people mentally, however it mostly effected the families of the dead and severely injured victims. As a result of this accident the government decided to take full responsibilities to what happened and to ban any gas equipment that cause fire on trains unless it is new and highly protected.