
Mining, drilling, and burning dirty energy are harming the environment and our health.

In their project, our Year 4 Learners made lots of effort to research how to embrace a clean energy future.

The promising flying car

In 30 may 2020, Jem saw a strange shadow on the floor of the garden for a flying car.

The story started while Jem was looking after his garden, when he heard a loud voice and saw a big shadow striking in the sky .

Will flying cars be a great part of the promising future?

Read the amazing report written by our reporter Omar



Burning fuel damages the environment and causes pollution to the atmosphere because it releases large amount of carbon dioxide into air ,this release affects heat in our atmosphere and climate changes which affects our health.

Read the report written by our amazing reporter Gebril

Reducing Consumption

Abdullah had been measuring the consumption of his family car for 5 days,

What suggestions does Abdullah have to reduce consumption?

Unexpected Train Fire

On the 20th of February 2002, two a.m a horrible accident occurred in a train heading from Cairo to Luxur. This accident, which is the cause of the death of 383 Egyptian citizens, was the result of a fire in the last cabinet of this train.

Read more and know what decisions did the government took on our amazing reporter Mohamed's page.

Electric cars

It's hard to pinpoint the invention of the electric car to one inventor or country. Instead it was a series of breakthroughs -- from the battery to the electric motor -- in the 1800s that led to the first electric vehicle on the road.