
Electricity today

By : Farida A.

Electricity was invented from long ago yet people still use it until today. It is a form of energy which was discovered by Benjamin Franklin. It started 1752 in Philadelphia by his kite experiment which flew in a thunderstorm and had a metal key on the string of the kite to conduct the electricity. He did the experiment because he wanted to know what will happen.

Benjamin was so interested to learn about electricity. He wanted to prove that electricity can come from lightning. So he did his kite experiment and it finally worked.

Benjamin Franklin

"I believe that access to electricity and light can radically improve people‚ lives." Olafur Eliasson said Electricity is important to all of the people because they use it everyday in computers, machines and lights and more. If we don't have electricity it will be hard for people to live. People also need electricity in hospitals, schools and jobs so it is so important.

People were so happy with Benjamin's experiment as it changed their lives so he had to be awarded. He got the Copley Medal award and the famous Benjamin Franklin Award.