
Core Knowledge for all combined  topics

Core Knowledge for Separate Science  topics

Learning core knowledge has shown to improve student’s confidence and performance in tests and exams. You can support your child with their assessments by assessing them with the core knowledge regularly. 20 minutes a week is ideal. The core knowledge questions are provided to all students in their booklets, or electronic copies can be found here: Core Knowledge

Attached to this page  is a link to a Carousel Learning study pack. This contains flashcards of core knowledge questions and answers for all of the topics you will study this year. You are able to select which topic or topics you want to revise and then spend as long as you like using them to revise, then set yourself a quiz to see how much you have remembered. 

There  is also a recorded  short video to show you how to use this Carousel Learning study pack to revise and test yourself on the science core knowledge.   

You can use this study pack for: 

* Regular revision of core knowledge throughout the year;

* Revision for core knowledge tests; 

* Revision for your assessments, mocks and summer exams 

Carousel help video  

Class of 2025

Class of 2026