Elements of Leadership at ees

Image by Cecilia Thomasson, 5th grade

Leader in Me at Ellendale -

Elements of Our Leadership Program

EES Developing Leaders.mp4
EES 7 Habits.mp4

Elements of our Leadership Program

  • Leadership Environment: The halls, bulletin boards, and classroom walls contain quotes and messages that communicate positive affirmations of student leadership, teacher confidence in student potential, and acknowledgement of the greatness inside each child at the school.
  • Integrated Curriculum and Instruction: The 7 Habits language and principles are taught to all students, kindergarten through 5th grade, using direct teaching methods. The leadership principles are also embedded in the curriculum and classroom procedures.
  • Genius Days: Ellendale uses every Early Dismissal day to focus on the talents and interests of our student leaders by organizing Exploratory Clubs and holding STEM classroom challenges. K-2 students participate in Exploratory Groups such as The Sunshine Club, Tech Club, Lego Club, Yoga, Art Club, Board Games, Kids Around the World, and more. 3-5 Exploratory Groups include Student Council, Board Games, Beauty Shop, Tiger Chefs, Ag in the Classroom, Battle of the books, PE Club, Drama Club. Teachers develop STEM Challenges based on their curriculum, which enables students to use critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.
  • Mission Statements: In addition to our school mission statement, teachers and students synergize to write their own class mission statement at the beginning of each school year. Students also write a personal mission statement to use as inspiration throughout the year.
  • Goal Tracking: The 4 Disciplines of Execution® is another key framework of the Leader in Me process. This methodology helps our school, staff and students identify, track, and achieve school-wide/personal/professional/academic Wildly Important Goals (WIGS). School and grade-level data walls are on display in the hallways and play an authentic role in monitoring progress toward school-wide goals around academics. Each classroom also has data walls that track academic progress as well as frequency of action steps to examine effectiveness.
  • Student Leadership Notebooks: All students monitor their own progress through individual student goal setting in their personal Leadership Notebook. This raises the level of student accountability and makes students responsible for examining their own learning and success. Students track personal as well as academic goals in their Leadership Notebooks to reflect on their continued progress. They reference assessment scores when setting and tracking their own goals. Each classroom teacher assists students in maintaining their action steps, helping set goals, and reflecting on their individual progress. Student Leadership Notebooks have led to positive outcomes with student ownership and maximized student achievement.
  • WIGS: Wildly Important Goals! Research shows that goal-setting, along with some guidance from teachers and parents, leads to increased achievement. Staff sets school-wide WIGs at the beginning of the year. Then teachers develop grade-level WIGs that are connected to the school-wide goals. Teachers then work with their students to develop class WIGs, including the goals and action steps that need to be taken to reach the goals. Students then set their own goals and reflect on their successes and areas of improvement throughout the year. The progression of School Goal<Grade Level Goal<Classroom Goal<Individual Student Goal has brought about improved focus, intentionality, and ownership of our common goals for the school. During student-led conferences, parents have expressed the significance of hearing their own child explain his/her learning.
  • Student Leadership: The students have and use the tools they need to be authentic leaders in their classrooms and in their learning communities. A Student Lighthouse Team synergizes to create whole school goals. There are a variety of school wide leadership roles and exploratory clubs that encourage students to embrace their talents.
  • Leadership Events: The staff and students organize an annual Leadership Day in which every child participates. Our students prepare a program for guests that is student executed and invite parents and guests from the community (business leaders, government officials, community organizations etc.). Leadership Day allows students to share about their learning and teach others about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Guests at Leadership Day listen to student speeches/presentations, watch performances, take a student led tour of the school, spend time in classrooms interacting with the students, and participate in Q&A sessions with students and staff. Our students spend weeks preparing for the event and are very excited to present to community leaders.
  • Staff Collaboration: Certified staff, Instructional Assistants, Office Staff, and our lead custodian were trained in the 7 Habits, which enables all staff to use the “common language of leadership” when interacting with students. At staff meetings, we have 7 minutes for 7 habits where grade levels share integrated lessons and students commonly share their Leadership Notebooks or student work.
  • Staff Lighthouse Team: A team of staff members that are dedicated to helping maintain leadership focus. They meet regularly to plan school and classroom activities, strategies, and ideas to instruct, reinforce, and remind students and staff about the leadership principles that guide everything we do.
  • Parent and Community Engagement: Ellendale has made it a goal to intentionally engage parents in Leader in Me content and principles. We have held Parent Nights with some direct teaching lessons and videos as well as take home activities for the home. We have incorporated Family WIGs and Family Mission Statements in Parent Night events. Families have been asked to complete Bingo activities and 7 Habits Activities at home based on “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families” activity book. A Parent/Community Lighthouse Team has been established to help support the students and staff in Leader in Me implementation.

Leader in Me at Ellendale -Elements of our Leadership Program