2017 Teams and Contests


And here you are all standard Italian Teams: PDF file to download

And here you are alle standard Romanian Teams: (PDF file to download)

And here you are all standard Russian Teams: (PDF file to download)

First National Contest

Ranking of First Italian National Contest: PDF file to download

The file contains only the teams with a score >0. (Some teams couldn't attend the contest because of the earthquake)

Ranking of First Romanian Nationalt Contest: http://cni.nt.edu.ro:8888/ranking/Round1/Ranking.html

Ranking of First Russian National Contest: http://1905975.mya5.ru/results/

Second National contest

Ranking of Second Italian National Contest: PDF file to download

Ranking of Second Romanian National Contest: http://cni.nt.edu.ro:8888/ranking/Round2/Ranking.html

Ranking of Second Russian National Contest: http://1905975.mya5.ru/results/

Third National contest

Ranking of Third Italian National Contest: https://ois.cms.di.unipi.it/round3/rws

Ranking of Third Romanian National Contest: http://cni.nt.edu.ro:8888/ranking/Round3/Ranking.html

Ranking of Third Russian National Contest: http://1905975.mya5.ru/results/

Fourth National Contest

Ranking of Fourth Italian National Contest: https://ois.cms.di.unipi.it/round4/rws

Ranking of Fourth Romanian National Contest: http://cni.nt.edu.ro:8888/ranking/Round4/Ranking.html

Ranking of Fourth Russian National Contest: http://1905975.mya5.ru/results/