This year due to Covid19 we are running parents evening via video call. This page will give you help and support on the new software from School Cloud. It is completely web based the requirements: In order to make video calls Parents and Teachers need to have as a minimum:

  • a device with a microphone and speaker/headphones

  • a compatible, up-to-date web browser:

    iPhone/iPad: Safari Note: there is a known issue joining video calls using iOS 14.2. Please upgrade any iOS 14.2 devices to iOS 14.3, or use an alternate device.
    Android: Chrome or Firefox
    Windows: Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge (Chromium - download here)
    Mac: Safari, Chrome or Firefox
    Linux: Chrome or Firefox

We recommend:

  • Using your smartphone for video appointments. If you don't have a smartphone with a front-facing camera, use a laptop or computer with a webcam.

  • Using a headset (or earphones with a microphone) to reduce echo.

  • Once an evening is available you can test your setup at any time - see below