Welcome to Ms. Royse's site, for middle school math and 8th grade Bible! Here, you'll find parent info, updates, and student work.
Class Protocols
Click on the pages for Math and Bible to learn about the late policy, protocols, and more.
Softballs Aloft!
For the first project of the year, students worked in groups to create a tower that could sustain and hold up a softball, using only a water bottle, 2 folders, 5 pencils, 5 rubber bands, 5 notecards, tape, ruler, and binder clip.
Some students created something totally new, while others adapted traditional ideas and built on them. The purpose is to remind students that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Every group's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd attempts failed, and these failures helped kids to figure out works, and also prioritize what's necessary (a strong base).
Click the triangle to the left to learn a little more about my classes.
What are we up to?
Important Dates
09/06 - Monday - No School! (labor day)
09/13 - Monday - Picture Day
09/15 - Wednesday - Minimum day
09/24 - Friday - End of Tri 1 grading period
09/30 - Thursday - Free dress for AR goals
10/06 - Wednesday - Minimum day for MS ONLY
10/06 - Wednesday - Parent/teacher conferences
10/07 - Thursday - Parent/teacher conferences
10/08 - Friday - Parent/teacher conferences
10/11 - Monday - No school
Missed the Cultural Heritage Day chapel? Catch it here!
Message given by IT director, Coach Royse
Check out my virtual classroom!
... And see if you can find all the hidden links
Looking for a good word everyday?
Check out my pastor, Albert Tate, on his morning show, Good News Today. Airs on Instagram Live and Facebook live at 8am each morning, and you can catch up on YouTube.