Year 8 Camp


The Camp program is an extension of the Positive Education curriculum and will be run in partnership with Bindaree Outdoor Education, with Albert Park College staff in attendance to support students in this experience.


This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in learning experiences beyond the classroom in order to develop a connection with the outdoor environment. They will build on valuable skills that can be implemented in multiple real-world contexts. 

They will hike, camp, cook and learn alongside their peers, with experienced teachers and outdoor education staff to support their learning.


Camp dates

It is likely that all Year 8 students will attend this camp on the Great Dividing Trail, but if there is overwhelming demand, we may be able to offer a small-group 'high challenge' alternative, which is also on the portal.

Dates 11-14 December

Departure: Check in at the Danks St Gym at 8am (confirmed)

Return: Buses due back to Danks St at 3pm (confirmed, but updated on the day)

Total cost: $850

Deposit: $500 due by 1 September

Balance payment: $350 due by 1 October 

Medical and consent: Via Compass with balance payment

All payments should be considered non-refundable as payments are passed directly to providers. If ill during camp week, contact reception for forms to be filled by a medical practitioner which can be submitted for insurance claims.


See the camp information handbook for the following details:

Who is in my group?

Please note that Positive Education leaders have sought input from all students about their activities groups for camp. Every effort has been made to ensure all students have a nominated friend in their group. Students will receive these lists shortly and will have a chance to provide feedback to the Positive Education staff.



Should you wish to discuss any questions or concerns around your child’s participation in this event, please email or phone the reception team on 8695 9000 and they will be able to assist, or refer you to the appropriate person.