All enquiries in the first instance should be made via phone call to the reception team on 8695 9000. They will be able to assist you with your enquiry or refer you to the appropriate person.


Deposits are required to confirm your child's attendance on the Camp. Payment plans can be arranged; please contact the accouns team at your earliest convinience should you wish to set up a payment plan so that the entire camp fee can be paid up prior to departure. Families with a health care card are eligible to access the Government Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF).

Should you wish to set up a payment plan, discuss finanaical support, or enquire about the CSEF funding please contact the accounts team via phone call on 8695 9000 or email accounts@albertparkcollege.vic.edu.au


It is compulsory that my child attends?

It is expected as a part of the Positive Education curriculum that students attend Year level camps (ie Year 7, 8, and 10 Camps, Year 9 Expeditions and Year 12 Study Camp). Extra-Curricular Camps are optional.


What if my child is symptomatic before camp?

Your child should remain at home and get tested.

What if my child becomes symptomatic during camp?

If symptomatic during camp, your child may be isolated and tested as appropriate. Parents/Carers will be contacted to notify them of the situation and to arrange collection as appropriate.

What if the camp is unable to proceed due to Government restrictions?

Each camp is subject to the providers' Covid19/ cancellation policy. Details regarding this for each specific camp can be found in the Camp information Handbook. Where possible, the College will aim to postpone/ reschedule the event, with cancellations occurring only to the extent that there is no other option to proceed with.