Daily Activities

Day 1

Why Code? - Code.org video 5:43

Introduction to Sphero Edu

Activity Code: 52597

Draw 1: Shapes 

Activity Code: 6872

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Create a Pong game where the Sphero makes a sound, changes color and then goes the opposite direction when it hits a “paddle.” 

Day 6

Create a game to play with friends that uses if/then/else statements

Day 7

Day 8

Bolt Blocks 7: Flashlight Function Tug-o-war - need 2 flashlights.

Activity Code: 67305

Use BOLT’s light sensor to make a flashlight tug-of-war game while using a function with at least one parameter. 

Day 9

Use variables, conditionals, loops, random within bounds, and data types

Day 10

Career Planning - select and research two related careers. 

Career Research and Planning WS (green) 
