Electricity & Electronics

Day Concept Learning & Activity


 1 Open and Closed Circuits (Chap. 1, pgs. 3-6, 9)

Experiment 1/Lesson 1 WS

Need: Battery

 2 Potential and Kinetic Energy (Chap. 1, pgs. 6-12)

Experiment 2/Lesson 2 WS

Need: Batteries & tape

 3 Batteries in Parallel (Chap. 1, pgs. 10-13)

Experiment 3/Lesson 3 WS

Need: Batteries, tape & paper clips

 4 Switches (Chap. 1, pgs. 7-15)

Experiment 4/Lesson 4 WS 

 5 Conservation of Energy (Chap. 2, pgs. 16-25)

Experiment 5/Lesson 5 WS 

5-Day Checkpoint Test:10 Questions (# 1-10)

 6 Resistors (Chap. 3, pgs. 26-30)

Experiment 6/Lesson 6 WS

 7 Conductor vs. Insulator (Chap. 3, pgs. 31-36)

Experiment 7/Lesson 7 WS

Need: 6 materials to test

 8 Series vs. Parallel (Chap. 1 pgs. 10-12; Chap. 2, pgs. 18-21)

Experiment 8/Lesson 8 WS

 9 Transistor AM Radio (Capacitors Ch. 4; Transistors Ch. 5; Oscillators & Electronic Sound Ch. 6; EM & Radio Ch. 8)

Project #527, Page 16

Find a Radio signal

 10 Solar Music (Integrated Circuits Ch 7; Sun Power Ch. 13)

Project #557, Page 28

Clap your hands to resume

 10 10-Day Checkpoint Test: 10 Questions (# 11-20)

Career Planning - select and research two related careers using www.mynextmove.org 

Career Research and Planning WS

Physicist, Electrical Engineers, Computer Engineer, Electrician, Electronics Engineering Technician

Soldering Practice Kit SP-3B and SP-1A manuals 

Soldering Training Links

START HERE with these two videos:

How To Solder: A Beginner’s Guide - makerspaces.com

Mastering the Art of Soldering: User Guide for the Plusivo Soldering Kit - EN r03.pdf - Extensive guide and soldering using Plusivo products. Spanish

Pace Basic Soldering Series - youtube.com - detailed tutorials.

 How To Do SMD Soldering Using a Soldering Iron - build-electr 

Lead-free Hand-soldering – Ending the Nightmares - kester.com - Tips and tricks for hand soldering using lead-free solder.

Electronic Kits

Snap Circuits Kit SC-750R Project Guides and Student Guides Folder - PDFs renamed for student use.

Elenco SP-1A/AK-100 Learn to Solder Kit - pololu.com - Beginning soldering kit with lots of opportunity for practice.

Elenco SP-3B Solder Practice Kit - elenco.com

4-Digit Digital Clock Kits with PCB from 4-Digit Digital Clock Kits with PCB - Amazon 


Tools: small diagonal pliers, solder sucker, solder wick, tweezers,  pick, solder stand, helping hands