General Resources for all Physics Teachers
Physics Classroom room-All topics/content is a typical General Physics course. The Concept Builders are expecially GREAT! Many simulations, tutorials, interactives and Teacher Toolkits. The Toolkits have suggestions for a unit with links withing PhyClass and more. Links to some Georgia Public TV segments are included here.
The sensors that are part of almost every mobile phone provide a great opportunity to improve students’ experiences with physics. Making measurements with high-quality sensors enables them to engage in science and engineering practices as they learn core disciplinary ideas.
Physics with Phones is a series of presentations outlining a wide range of experiments that are well-aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. These were being developed for the classroom, but many can be done by students in their own homes. Some have been successfully piloted in high school physics classes. Dr. Rakestraw from Lawrence Livermore Labs shared with us at the February 2nd meeting of the Section.