Alabama Section of Physics Teachers

Collaborator with the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Aiding Student Learning through Meaningful Engagement with Interactive Virtual Resources [ep 3] Register via Physics Today Webinars

 Thursday, January 18th, 7:00-8:00 PM Eastern (4:00-5:00 PM Pacific)

PhET makes available numerous varied interactive simulations, useful as resources for engaging students with thoughtful incorporation of prediction, discussion, and reflection. Interactive Lecture Demonstrations provide successful learning when its instructional components are followed -- developing explanations, committing to predicted outcomes, supporting explanations, and working through revisions.

Prior to the workshop, download this one-page pdf file with the Prediction Sheet to be used during the ILD presentation.

Engaging Students with Realistic Virtual Physics Labs [ep 4]
Register via Physics Today Webinars

 Thursday, February 22nd, 7:00-8:00 PM Eastern (4:00-5:00 PM Pacific)

Polyhedron Physics virtual experiments are 3D simulations of data collection environments that replicate the functionality of a hands-on lab. This episode's presenters share how students can be encouraged to explore interesting phenomena, gather data to develop explanations, test their predictions, and apply the findings.

Join the Alabama Section of Physics Teachers for the 

2023-24 School Year.

(Collaborator with AAPT American Association of Physics Teachers) 

Our September Conference is CANCELLED. Sharing for Physics, Physical Science and Astronomy Teachers will be rescheduled for  Second Semester to work together for Alabama Students, K-University.

Complete this form to join the Alabama Physics Teachers Section:

The Section has a Facebook Group:

Welcome to the Website of the Alabama Section of Physics Teachers. We are a collaborator with AAPT and receive some support in travel for the state Section Representative, publicity for the Section and its meetings and projects. Section members are not required to be national AAPT members but it is strongly encouraged to further their advantages in the organization.  The national AAPT provides promotional physics materials for Section and State Science Association meetings. Join national HERE. 

This letter can be adapted to request support from your PTA, PTSA, Civic Organization, local business and more to join National AAPT. 

Officers for 2023-2024 thru Febuary 28, 2024

President - Jaime Demick (

Vice President - TBA

Sec/Treasurer - Tommi Holsenbeck (

Section Representative- Mark Rupwright (

GREAT OPPORTUNITY For TYC Physics, Physical Science Teachers

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