SWUG Programs


SWUG Team members Professor Don Hampton (left), undergraduate student Austin Cohen (middle), and PhD student Matt Blandin (right) discuss test results of the first SAM-4 magnetometer kit built in our laboratory.

Summer Educator Development Program

We provide secondary school teachers with a FREE 2-week intensive summer course. Teachers will learn about space weather and how to build a magnetometer. Upon completion, the UAF team offers support for teachers who wish to continue the SWUG program with their students. Laboratory equipment and magnetometer kits are provided as a part of the program. If you are interested in the educator development program, please register using this link  https://forms.gle/RgYh3VDDm3QxuyKLA. The free teacher program qualifies for continuing education units applicable toward recertification. For further questions and information, please contact Dr. Ozturk at dsozturk@alaska.edu.


SWUG Team member and high school student Ian Lee working on his magnetometer kit. 

High School Student Program

High school students can work directly with the UAF SWUG team any time in the year. Students are expected to spend at least 3 hours per week assembling a magnetometer and assisting its calibration and deployment. For further questions and information, please contact
Dr. Ozturk at dsozturk@alaska.edu