Respect for Nature

Grade 6

Unit Cultural Theme: Energy/Ecology: Respect for Nature

Nature can provide people with all the necessities. There must be respect for the ecology for it to give to the people. Everything is connected. If something happens to harm nature, it will adversely affect all things.

Understanding Goal 

Students will understand that nature can provide us with what we need if we take care of it. 

Big Questions 

What is interdependence in the natural world?

How can we show interdependence through artwork?

Unit Overview

For the first week, students will make a scrimshaw drawing of  a regional animal  in its natural habitat. The second week, students will create a diorama featuring several soap (or clay) animal carvings with materials from nature for the habitat. 

A. Culturally-responsive educators incorporate local ways of knowing and teaching in their work by

3: Providing opportunities and time for students to learn in settings where local cultural knowledge and skills are naturally relevant

Observe:  Learning to attend to visual contexts more closely than ordinary “looking” requires, and thereby to see things that otherwise might not be seen

Thinking Routine 

Regional Artists

Ben Pungowiyi (SVA)

Randall Jones Sr.(Brevig)

Margaret Marlin (WBB)

John Sinnok (SHH)

Kim Takak (Elim)

Dayrl Kingeekuk (SVA)

Alvin Aningayou (GAM)

Dean Kulowiyi (SVA)

Daniel Mike (SHH)

James Aningayou (GAM)

Lennywood Saccheus (Elim)

Malcolm Oozevaseuk (GAM)

Stanley Tocktoo (SHH)

Wanda Slwooko (GAM)

Warren Kakoona (Brevig)