
Sharing and Caring

Grade 4

Unit Cultural Theme: Subsistence: Sharing & Caring

Subsistence is an important part of life. You need to share what you acquire with those who are unable to provide for themselves and to the community. We need to care for others who cannot for they are part of our lives.

Unit Overview

Students will create a drawing of a subsistence scene on some type of skin, rabbit, leather or another type of skin. They will then frame the work in driftwood or dowels, sewing the skin/fur in the traditional way of stretching a skin. 

Understanding Goal

Students will understand that subsistence is about sharing with the community, including those who are unable to provide for themselves.

 Essential Question

How can you represent the idea of sharing and subsistence in artwork?

Alaska Cultural Standard C

Alaska Cultural Standard C: Culturally knowledgeable students are able to actively participate in various cultural environments. 1) perform subsistence activities in ways that are appropriate to local cultural traditions; 

Artist Habit of Mind: Envision

Envision: Learning to picture mentally what cannot be directly observed, and imagine possible next steps in making a piece.

Visible Thinking Routine: What Makes You Say That?

Link to the Visible Thinking website for more thinking routines as a resource. 


Jolene Nanouk (UNK)

Mary Jane Litchard (OME)

Silas Paniptchuk (SKK)

Luci Washington (SMK)

George Ahgupuk (SHH) Deceased 

Gary Sockpick (SHH)

Daryl Kingeekuk (SVA)