Natural Landforms

Grade 3

Unit Cultural Theme: Natural Landforms

We are surrounded by splendor in the natural world. From rivers to ocean, mountains to tundra, landforms are a defining part of the uniqueness and beauty of our communities. 

Unit Overview: Students will:

Understanding Goal:  Students will understand that natural landforms contribute to the beauty and uniqueness of a community. 

Essential Question:  How can the beauty of our local landforms be represented in art? 

Alaska Cultural Standard:

E- Culturally-knowledgeable students demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the relationships and processes of interaction of all elements in the world around them.

2. Understand the ecology and geography of the bioregion they inhabit

Artist Habit of Mind: Stretch and Explore

Students will explore the difference between crane’s eye and worm’s eye perspectives, and create thumbnail sketches of these different views to practice the sequence of their story. Using peer critique, students will work together to improve on their draft sketches before beginning their final painting. 

For more information on artist habits of mind and critique/feedback strategies, see the links below. 

Visible Thinking Routine: Beginning, Middle, End