
How do I know when I'm done?

Regular Option 

_____ Completed pre-assessment

_____ Watched and Responded to Videos

         _____ Video #1

         _____ Video #2

_____ Read about Place-Based Learning, and the "cultural iceberg"

_____ Attached Curriculum Connections form with at least 5 curriculum areas addressed (turned in on Canvas). 

_____ Filled out a field trip form (turned in on Canvas).

_____ Took students on an excursion 

_____Taught a place-based activity either before, during or after the field trip that connected with the excursion

_____ Debriefed with co-worker/peer

_____Completed reflections for Tasks 2 and 3. (reflection on Canvas).

Advanced Option 

_____ Completed pre-assessment

_____ Watched videos about student fieldwork and community projects

_____ Read about Place-Based Learning, and the "cultural iceberg"

_____ Had students plan and engage in an action research unit/project 

_____Submitted an artifact of student work to Canvas 

_____Completed reflection for Task 2 on Canvas